Find VM via IP
Hey all, I'm trying to figure out a way to find a VM via IP through PowerCLI. That in itself is easy enough, and I'm using this code currently: Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter...
View ArticleRe: expanding datastore
thanks a.p. that did it. vFantastic I had these datastores presented to a cluster and tried to increase it in vCenter which did not work. When connected to individual host I was able to increase...
View ArticleRe: expanding datastore
I am able to see the LUN as expandable by going directly to a Host in the Cluster. What would the effects of expanding it this way on a single host. Mind you there are over 20 hosts in this cluster.
View ArticleRe: Unexplainable disk space growth
The good news is that it will not grow much more as the virtual disk almost reached it's maximum size. According to the files in the Avaya package it looks like the VM was converted and the temp files...
View ArticleRe: change ip address of all vms
Hi LucD - great post to help out on getting Virtual Al's script to work from a CSV file containing multiple machines, I have this part working fine thanks to you suggestion on this post. However - I...
View ArticleRe: Entitled ThinApp package with Workspace client = No Launch of app.
I discovered WHY it's happening, but I dont know how to fix it. The app isn't synchronizing successfully into the App Cache on the Windows client. The damning line below is [2013-07-30 14:47:12]...
View ArticleRe: New e.x.p. build 1245816 breaks multi-monitor support
Just to be sure, I did a "repair" on the VMware tools within the client. Unfortunately, no change in behavior.
View ArticleWhere does ThinApp "run" when using non-Windows Horizon Workspace client?
I think I've got a basic grasp on what happens when a windows machine tries to run a ThinApp supplied by Horizon Workspace. That is, the Horizon Workspace Agent will SYNC entitled applications and then...
View ArticleESXi 5.1 vMotion migration of VM with 2 vmdk: one on SAN storage and other...
Hi all: I've got a two hosts cluster which uses a shared SAN storage where my VM's file are stored. Hosts to storage link is a link aggregation of two 1Gbpspath, and so performing 2Gbps throughput. Now...
View ArticleRe: Find VM via IP
I managed to find a way to do this sort of. The idea I'm using at the moment that "works" somewhat, just gotta do some additional manipulation since I get arrays and properties back for IP. I'd still...
View ArticleWhere to find Windows 7 Pro download or DVD that is not OEM?
Hi,can anyone help me? I do not own a PC and need to buy Windows for my new job to use with VMware Fusion 5.I have looked for hours online trying to find Windows 7 Professional that is either a...
View ArticleRe: V2P win 2008 r2 on ESXi5
Does this DC do anything other than DC work? seriously if you need another DC or even want a physical one just build a new machine with the desired OS on its and run DCPromo. the road to P2Ving,...
View ArticleStarting down the VCAP DCA road...
Well I've decided to go for the VCAP series of certs. I have both vcp 4 and 5 and have been working w/ VMware for last 5-6 years now. I have read Lowe's book Master Vsphere 5, setup my own lab at home...
View ArticleRe: Unexplainable disk space growth
That seems to have done the trick. Of course, I don't have space for that 60GB of temp files. Need to work something out and then I'll verify everything works fine without those files and how big the...
View ArticleRe: expanding datastore
might be 3par specific issue in my case,but I recall similar reservations issues when a lun is presented to a hostset
View ArticleBenchmark Testing
Greetings, We use VMWare (ESXi 4.1 and VSphere 5.1) to run automated tests and we are wondering if there are tools to manage VMs performances in order to benchmark our system. If our typical setup is...
View ArticleRe: change ip address of all vms
I'm afraid you are mixing two things here.Use the GuestUser and GuestPassword parametersUse the GuestCRedential parameterThe GuestCRedential parameter can be easily obtained like this $cred =...
View ArticleReplacing Existing Host with New Host/Hardware
We are in the process of replacing our older ESXi 5.0 hosts that unable to be upgraded to ESXi 5.1 with new hardware that will support ESXi 5.1 and beyond. The existing hosts are members of a vCenter...
View Articlebackups halted after adding datastore
Has anyone observed any issues when adding an additional datastore to an older host to share the data that used to be just one one datastore? I'm wondering if the differences in the two datastores has...
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