Reading / Writing to Network Shares using vCO
I'm sorry for the question, but I have perused the this forum and am still failing to set up how to read and write files to a network share. Can someone give me more explicit instructions? I have tried...
View ArticleRe: vsphere 4.1を使っていると思うのですが、Windows2008R2 のOSのリストアはかのうでしょうか?
gowatanaさんのおっしゃるように仮想NICが変わってしまいますので準備する必要があります。 ネットワーク設定のバックアップ/リストアはwindowsのnetshコマンドを利用すると楽ですよ。
View ArticleRe: Converted Virtual Disk from IDE to SCSI now server 2008 won't boot
yes the above article referred by Emaad should be fine
View ArticleRe: vCenter is not responding correct
Check which table is taking the largest space
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 management network no connectivity with two nics connected
What is the management port group settings. Is it set to IP hash since you mentioned LACP...
View ArticleRe: VAAI Vs ODX
ODX just accelerates your data transfer whereas VAAI does the below: Atomic Test & Set (ATS), which is used during creation and locking of files on the VMFS volume Clone Blocks/Full Copy/XCOPY,...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to take snapshot while VM machine power if off if vm tool...
yes Snapshots has nothing to do with power state...
View ArticleRe: Help with Host Profiles and PowerCLI needed
I have a dumb question. Where can I get a complete listing of the different ID names in a host profile. In the sample posted how do you know that there is a PolicyOption Id...
View ArticleRe: server-flat.vmdk file
You can present a physical rdm to VM up to 64TB. Page 4 of this doc Raw Device Mapping size (physical compatibility) 64TB
View ArticleRe: track hypervisor unscheduled restart
You can configure syslog server for the host when the host crashes so that we can look into the logs..
View ArticleRe: 5.0 to 5.1 Migration questions
I would recommend the below: - take a backup of the DB. - Migrate the DB to your new physical DB machine and load it there. - Now install vCenter 5.1 pointing to the new DB on physical machine.
View ArticleRe: Migration Host on 2 SANs and 2 vMotion Network
As stated above, check if vmkping works between the concerned hosts and check this kb for static route
View ArticleRe: Vms within vApp not getting IPs from IP Pool assigned to them
check thi link You might be missing something
View ArticleRe: Make a fake RAID 1 for ESXI
VSA is not the solution since that presents your local drives as shared NFS volumes across clusters.. Software RAID is a strict no for ESXi unfortunately.
View ArticleRe: NIC Teaming no vSwitch e na VM Network
Votz, um colega tinha feito uma pergunta aqui neste tópico sobre NIC Teaming na interface dedicada ao Vmotion e até respondi com algumas imagens como exemplo, sumiram ?
View ArticleRe: False key repeats in fusion 5.0.3
Hi, Changhai, I've been using Fusion + WinXP since V 1.0. I always set the WinXP Repeat delay to the shortest possible setting, and the Repeat rate to the fastest possible. This the first time that...
View ArticleRe: VPN from View Desktop
ok I am in VMView client using a desktop... then i connect that desktop to a VPN using the Cisco VPN client and then the connection to the desktop is broken. If I open the vmware infrastructure...
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